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I Am Jackson: Brooks Shaw

What is your hometown? 

I’m a born and raised Jackson native. I’ve been here for 34 years and have loved it! 

Where else have you lived?

I spent four years in school at The University of Mississippi. 

What is your profession?

I’m the President of the Old Country Store and Casey Jones Village, Jackson’s landmark restaurant and tourism attraction. I was born into it and am the third generation owner. 

Where have you volunteered or contributed your time in efforts to give back? 

Although I haven’t specifically volunteered much, my work allows me to have an impact through our various catered special events, such as: WRAP’s Denim and Pearl’s, RIFA Canstruction, Birth Choice, West TN Down Syndrome Association summer concert, “Country Music Lends Down A Hand,” the #731Day Water Balloon Fight with Town and Country Realtors, the Clark Shaw Memorial Prayer Walk, and Casey Jones Village Festival.  

What are some of your favorite things about Jackson? 

I love that Jackson has wonderful people who are hungry for future opportunities to make our city even better.

Three words that best describe you. 

I’m going to cheat a little on this, but mine would be “What if we…” because that encapsulates so much of my mind. I’m always thinking and dreaming and working with my team about how to make the Old Country Store and Casey Jones Village even better.

What is the last thing you Googled?

Backyard inflatable pools for my family to enjoy this summer.

Favorite place for going out?

Well of course the Old Country Store! But we love to support other local restaurants too. 

What is one thing that you do not go a day without?

Talking to my family, especially my amazing daughter, Grace Anne, and a tall glass of sweet tea. 

Finish this statement: I AM JACKSON because…

Other Jacksonians in my generation and I are a bridge: remembering what we loved about growing up in this town and helping transform it into a place our kids and grandkids will be proud of. I am part of the Jackson that was, the Jackson that is now, and the Jackson we will create together.