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I Am Jackson: Cornelia Hall Tiller

Jackson is your hometown – how did you end up back here?

I was born and raised in Jackson. I met Bob Tiller when we were in college at Rollins College in Winter Park, FL. Soon after we married, he was transferred all over the country with his job. He wanted to settle down and move back to Jackson in 1960, and I’ve been here ever since.

Where else have you lived?

Winter Park, Florida
 Macon, Georgia
 Louisville, Kentucky 
Cleveland, Ohio

What was your profession?

In college, the options for women were either home economics or teaching, so I chose teaching. I was more gifted in teaching than in home economics.

Tell us about your volunteer experience.

I currently serve, or have recently served with Aspell Manor, The Care Center, Judge Blake Anderson’s Drug Recovery Court Board, JACOA, Jail Ministry, and The Boys and Girls Club.

What are some of your favorite things about Jackson?

The Jackson Walk. That used to be just a ditch, and I love how it has been transformed.
Also, the people in Jackson are some of my favorites!

Three words that describe you?

I Am Old. I will be 94 in April, and I’m having a marvelous time!

Favorite place for dining and\or to go for entertainment?

Grubb’s Grocery and Rock’N Dough are my favorite dining options. I enjoy going to The LIFT to exercise two or three days a week.

What is one thing that you do not go a day without?

Peanut butter

Finish this statement, I am Jackson because…

Jackson is where I was born and raised, and Jackson has lots to offer: colleges and universities, a thriving downtown, a symphony, and wonderful people.

This article is from VIP Magazine, a premier publication for events and local coverage throughout Jackson and West Tennessee.